Our Services:
Ace Furnace Consulting Ltd provides technical and engineering services in the fields of incineration, combustion, heat treatment and energy conversion.
New Incineration Plant:
Design calculations to define all aspects of your proposed incineration plant.
Detail design calculations for furnace structures, heat flow through linings and energy recovery.
Production of detail design models and drawings using our state of the art 3D CAD system Siemens Solid Edge.
Computational fluid dynamics using FloEFD and PHOENICS
Full technical pack for Environmental Licence applications including CFD where required.
Legislative compliance help.
Existing Incineration Plant:
Troubleshooting: Help with emissions problems, plant reliability, premature failure of linings and control system faults.
Updated control systems and algorithms to keep your older plant legal and operating well.
Mechanical and control modifications.
Legislative compliance problems.
Flue Gas Treatment:
Design and operating advice.
Failure analysis.
Control and monitoring systems.
Combustion Plant:
Emissions control and legislative compliance
Heat treatment and thermal process:
Design of combustion and electrically heated furnaces for industry.
Temperature control systems
Furnace lining design tailored to your specific application.
Problem solving
Energy Conversion:
Pyrolysis and gasification systems for biomass and waste
Synthetic fuel gas cleaning
Complete control system design for safe handling of synthetic gas produced by pyrolysis/gasification processes.
Waste heat recovery systems for incinerators and furnaces.